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This socks has 3 important characteristics: antibacterial Amicor Plus that prevents bad odors, Klevlar that keeps the most stressed points (toe and heel) more resistant and the particular anatomic shape (there is a right sock and a left one). The average weight let the worker wear it throughout all the year.
Fabric Composition: 50% Cotton 15% Amicor Plus 15% Polyammide 10% Elastomer 8% Kevlar 2% Elastan
Colour: grey/black/red with yellow inserts;
Length: long.
Packing: min. 3 pairs per cut
Packing: 24 pairs

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This socks has 3 important characteristics: antibacterial Amicor Plus that prevents bad odors, Klevlar that keeps the most stressed points (toe and heel) more resistant and the particular anatomic shape (there is a right sock and a left one). The average weight let the worker wear it throughout all the year.
Fabric Composition: 50% Cotton 15% Amicor Plus 15% Polyammide 10% Elastomer 8% Kevlar 2% Elastan
Colour: grey/black/red with yellow inserts;
Length: long.
Packing: min. 3 pairs per cut
Packing: 24 pairs

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Brand/Sottobrand ISSALINE
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