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Professional glove with elastic cuff and polynylon fabric. Double coating for providing greater protection and durability, the first is in NBR and the second one is in sandy NBR. Each single pair is supplied in blister. Use: building, mechanics, work with tools, industry, etc
Use: building, mechanics, work with tools, industry, etc
Colour: jyellow fabric with grey and black coatings.
Size: 7-8-9-10-11
Packaging: 120 pa.

object(stdClass)#2250 (8) { ["thumb"]=> string(118) "" ["img"]=> string(118) "" ["full"]=> string(118) "" ["caption"]=> string(10) "SNAP CATCH" ["position"]=> string(1) "1" ["isMain"]=> bool(true) ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["videoUrl"]=> NULL } object(stdClass)#2525 (8) { ["thumb"]=> string(112) "" ["img"]=> string(112) "" ["full"]=> string(112) "" ["caption"]=> string(10) "SNAP CATCH" ["position"]=> string(1) "1" ["isMain"]=> bool(false) ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["videoUrl"]=> NULL } object(stdClass)#2274 (8) { ["thumb"]=> string(114) "" ["img"]=> string(114) "" ["full"]=> string(114) "" ["caption"]=> string(10) "SNAP CATCH" ["position"]=> string(1) "2" ["isMain"]=> bool(false) ["type"]=> string(5) "image" ["videoUrl"]=> NULL }

Professional glove with elastic cuff and polynylon fabric. Double coating for providing greater protection and durability, the first is in NBR and the second one is in sandy NBR. Each single pair is supplied in blister. Use: building, mechanics, work with tools, industry, etc
Use: building, mechanics, work with tools, industry, etc
Colour: jyellow fabric with grey and black coatings.
Size: 7-8-9-10-11
Packaging: 120 pa.

More Information
Brand/Sottobrand ISSALINE
Attributes with logo BLISTER
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